2 hours
🌃 當夜幕低垂,台北閃爍著迷人的光彩。想以獨特的方式體驗這座城市的夜色、地標與微醺氛圍?「Taipei Night Buzz Tour 台北夜遊微醺巴士」帶您搭乘雙層巴士,迎著夜風,舉杯共飲,一起沈浸在台北都市微醺的魅力!
🌃 As night falls, Taipei transforms into a dazzling city of lights. Want to experience its nighttime charm, iconic landmarks, and a touch of tipsiness? Hop on the "Tipsy Wheels Night Tour Bus" for a carefree journey through Taipei’s nightscapes, complete with curated drinks and a vibrant city vibe.
🍹 【微醺體驗・邊喝邊玩】
✔ 從台北車站M4出口出發,搭上開放式雙層巴士,輕鬆遊覽台北最具代表性的夜景路線。
✔ 在 ATT 4 FUN & 花博
Maji Square
各停留 20 分鐘,讓你有機會下車拍美照、感受夜生活。
✔ 兩站點各提供一款台灣在地酒精飲品,隨著車程輕酌享受微醺氛圍。
🍹 【Tipsy Experience | Sip, Ride & Explore】
This is not just a sightseeing tour—it's a moving real time party!
✔ Departure from Taipei Main Station M4 Exit, ride an open-top double-decker bus
and cruise through Taipei’s most scenic nighttime routes.
✔ 20-minute stopovers at Xinyi ATT 4 FUN & Maji Square
allow you to take photos and experience Taipei’s nightlife up close.
✔ Enjoy one Taiwan local alcoholic drink at both stop
while soaking in the city lights.
🚀 試營運限定特惠價!現在加入,成為首批體驗者,探索全新玩法!🚀
🚀 Exclusive Trial Discount! Be among the first to experience this brand-new night tour!
🫣 三杯酒(兩杯憑券兌換、一杯開場)
Three Drinks Included (Two redeem with a voucher, one for opening)🫣
🎵 雙層巴士 DJ 音樂直播
DJ live music on board 🎵
💗 23 Music Room 特殊優惠
Special Discount at 23 Music Room if purchase more drinks 💗
Travel Agency Liability Insurance
清潔費(如果因為不勝酒力而嘔吐或打翻飲料 - 拜託盡量不要 - 可能會酌收3000元台幣😭 - 或留下來當打掃小精靈 😠)
Cleaning Fee - if you throw up or spill the drinks out, making it a big mess, gurrrlllll imma charge you 3000NTD 😭
Personal Expenses
📸 此班試營運拍攝行駛過程中的照片和影片,將可能用於未來的行銷發布,歡迎標注我們您拍的素材!
🎟️ 酒類憑券兌換,如有遺失恕不補發。
🈲 喝酒不開車,酒後請搭乘計程車或大眾運輸!
🔞 未滿 18 歲禁止飲酒。請適量飲酒,飲酒過量有害健康。
📸 On this trial bus, the photos and videos during the tour will be taken for future marketing purpose.
🎟️ No replacement will be issued if the redemption is lost.
🈲 Do not drink and drive, please take the taxi or public transportation after having fun.
🔞 It's illegal to drink under 18 in Taiwan. Please take your condition into consideration during the tour.
Just show up, let's meet and have fun!
Secure Payment